Rally in Boston to Change the Flag and Seal and End the Use of Native Mascots!

A rally and press conference calling for Massachusetts to change the white supremacist state flag, and end the use of Native mascots in Massachusetts public schools, will take place on the Statehouse steps on Thursday, July 16, at 10:30 a.m.

Maine has voted to end the use of Native sports mascots in public schools. Mississippi has voted to retire the Confederate battle symbol from its state flag. That leaves Massachusetts – with its invidious official seal of a white hand holding a Colonial broadsword over the head of a Native American – as the last state still flying an overt flag of white supremacy in the land.

After 400 years of genocide and Colonialism, the time has come to change the flag and seal of Massachusetts and ban the use of Native sports mascots in public schools in the Commonwealth.

Here are three ways you can help!

  1. Go to the Mass Indigenous Agenda website – maindigenousagenda.org/ and add your name to the automated letters to tell our legislators the time has come to change the Massachusetts flag and seal, and ban the use of Native mascots in public schools. We need to honor Native people, not stereotype them – and we need a new symbol for our state that no longer glories in the violence of Colonial oppression of Native people.
  2. Make plans to attend the rally and speak out in Boston on the Statehouse steps on Thursday, July 16th, at 10:30 a.m. (Masks will be worn, and appropriate distancing maintained.)
  3. Spread the word! Share this post throughout your networks.

If Maine can do it, Massachusetts can ban the use of Native sports mascots too!

If Mississippi can do it, Massachusetts can retire the flag of white supremacy too!

If the Standing Rock Sioux tribe can prevail at last in federal court and empty the Dakota Access Pipeline… if the Washington Redskins can finally change their name… Massachusetts can change too!

It’s up to each of us to make the change happen.

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